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迈康网编辑 2016-07-07 共1794人围观

  暴饮暴食会引起人体产生健康问题,会缩短人的寿命,还会导致如肥胖、糖尿病和心脏病等疾病。另一方面一些研究已经表明,限制能量饮食摄入量低于正常的饮食水平会促使人们健康长寿。在动物研究中,科学家们发表在《Journal of Proteome Research》杂志上的研究分析了两种相反的饮食导致长寿差异的代谢原因。

  通过减少体内的活性氧成分,有适当营养的热量限制似乎能有助于延长寿命并延缓与年龄相关的疾病的发生。研究表明,热量能够限制激素和脂质代谢产物的水平变化,并改变能量代谢。然而,科学家们仍然不知道在能量限制期间身体所能承受的生物化学变化量,没有人能确定其长期效果如何。所以Huiru Tang,Yulan Wang,Yong Liu和他的同事们研究了用能量限制饮食长期饲养小鼠观察其代谢反应情况。



Metabolomics Insights into the Modulatory Effects of Long-Term Low Calorie Intake in Mice

Junfang Wu†, Liu Yang‡, Shoufeng Li‡, Ping Huang‡, Yong Liu*‡, Yulan Wang*†§, and Huiru Tang*†#

There is increasing evidence that calorie restriction without malnutrition can extend longevity and delay the onset of age-associated disorders. Identifying the biochemical perturbations associated with different dietary habits would provide valuable insights into associations between metabolism and longevity. To reveal the effects of long-term dietary interventions on metabolic perturbations, we investigated serum and urinary metabolic changes induced by interactive high/low fat diet in combination with/without reduced caloric intake over a life span in mice using NMR-based metabonomics. We found that the high calorie dietary regime disturbed lipid metabolism, suppressed glycolysis and TCA cycles, stimulated oxidative stress, promoted nucleotide metabolism and gluconeogenesis, and perturbed gut microbiota–host interactions. Such changes could be modified by long-term low calorie intake. Most importantly, we found that the calorie intake index exerts a dominant effect on metabolic perturbations irrespective of dietary regime. Our investigation provides a holistic view of the metabolic impact of long-term dietary interventions, which are important for detecting physiological changes and dietary effects on mammalian metabolism.
